Sunday, January 15, 2023

Intro Post:

    Hello everyone! My name is Amani Jones, and I am a sophomore at North Central College. My major is currently marketing, but I've changed it three times so far, so we will see how long this lasts. I am also on the women's wrestling team at North Central, where we have over 40 girls on our team, and we just finished second at the nationals in duals this past year. I grew up in McDonough, Georgia, about 30 minutes from Atlanta. 

    In my free time, I like to try new foods, travel, and hang out with my friends and siblings. So far I have been to 9 countries and hope to add a few this year. I have two brothers who are 21 and 18, and a sister who is 2. 

    I chose to take this course because I enjoy films of all genres. I really like that watching films that can make you feel things like sadness, fear, or anger. In class, when asked the question, "What is your favorite movie?" I answered X-men First Class. This is the prequel to the X-Men series. I chose this movie because I watched it very young with my dad. It has always been a comfort movie for me and reminds me of my dad.

     I also enjoy seeing the beginning of the characters' story to help explain why the characters are the way that they are. I tend to like TV shows and movie series more because I get to understand the characters better. I also like movies where the characters have powers. I am excited to learn more about what happens behind the camera in this class and how a film comes together.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Amani I've never seen X-Men but it sounds good so far. I really like interesting characters and seeing their development through films so it sounds like a good watch!


Iron Man:

       Iron Man, directed by Jon Favreau and released in 2008, successfully combines cinematic storytelling, cultural relevance, and brillia...