Sunday, February 5, 2023


    A fantastic illustration of how directors employ composition is Moonlight. Chapter 2 stated, “One of the most important ways a filmmaker uses composition to tell their story is through repetition, a pattern of recurring images that echoes a similar framing and connects to a central idea.”The filmmakers of Moonlight do a fantastic job at this. The film's vibrantly saturated color palette is one of the most immediately noticeable optical aspects. Blue is definitely the hue that is most frequently used throughout the film.
    The blues were purposely made more intense during editing, nearly to the point of shining, by the application of a number of filters. The use of blue tones in the movie has two purposes. Naturally, the amplitude of these colors also serves to contrast the skin tones of the characters in the film. The intensity of blue imagery highlights the existence of the black characters in the movie's setting because blue is brown's complementary color. 
 You can observe the patterns of color throughout the entire film. The directors are ingenious in doing this since it links you to the movie's main premise without your realizing it.


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